
Retail-first CRM solution


Endear is a comprehensive retail CRM and clienteling platform designed to help consumer brands enhance customer relationships, boost sales, and drive engagement. It offers a range of features designed to streamline and personalize customer outreach across multiple channels including email, text, and WhatsApp.

EndearHQ key features include an interactive campaign builder enabling teams to create targeted marketing messages triggered by specific customer actions or timelines; clienteling which allows retailers to deliver personalized interactions tailored to customer journeys; Shoppable Stories for retailers to create interactive stories to showcase products; a live chat feature for real-time customer support and engagement; and a Business Insights engine for detailed analytics and reporting to track campaign performance,sales, and store operations to facilitate data-driven decision-making.

How they use Cloudflare

The development team originally used Cloudflare for CDN services for the EndearHQ marketing website. Over time, they adopted more capabilities organically as they looked to address other pain points.

For starters, the team uses Cloudflare Workers to interact with Workers KV to fetch API keys and orchestrate authentication between integration requests. Many of their customers have multiple native integrations like Shopify, Zendesk, and Gorgias. Cloudflare Workers help keep track of the API keys for all these integrations where data needs to be “sliced and diced” and referenced.

When developing their live chat product, the team needed a robust websocket solution for real-time interactivity and turned to PartyKit after the co-founder heard about it on a podcast. Now an integral part of their infrastructure, they run a PartyKit server with Durable Objects to manage functions like On-Connect, On-Message, and On-Close. This setup allows them to relay conversational updates between customers and brands seamlessly across communication channels, ensuring delivery. As a result, live messages are instantly reflected across all relevant views, providing a fast and responsive user experience.

Why Cloudflare?

"Cloudflare's rapid innovation and culture of shipping fast have made it an essential part of our growth. We initially started with CDN for our marketing website, but over time, we naturally adopted more capabilities like WAF and DNS management to address evolving pain points. Being part of Cloudflare Launchpad #1 gave us access to Enterprise features and allowed us to experiment without worrying about costs, accelerating our adoption even further. With Cloudflare's accessible documentation and discoverable resources, implementing features like location-based data was seamless. Long term, we're committed to building even more on Cloudflare, and while some migrations are gradual, the shift is inevitable as we continue to leverage their robust platform." JP Chase, CTO.