
Magical school-tailored student organization


Subjective is a student organization application built by students, for students. The platform is aimed at enhancing student organization at school, offering a variety of features and tools to help students manage their resources and day-to-day learning. Subjective has grown to thousands of users, with a thriving community including new students joining everyday.

How they use Cloudflare

Subjective’s goal is to be the go-to platform for students to manage their learning. Using the Next.js framework, the team hosts their front-end application and landing pages on Cloudflare Pages. Pages allows the team to create previews of custom interfaces for school testing and to accelerate development, crucial for student developers. On top of Pages, the Subjective team leverages Cloudflare Workers for redirects and routing functions. Thanks to Cloudflare’s Developer Platform, development and onboarding new schools to Subjective has been a seamless and quick experience.

Why Cloudflare?

“Being student developers, Cloudflare's global network and very generous free plan has allowed Subjective to scale to thousands of students. We can always rely on Cloudflare to help decrease our page load time on constrained school networks, approve schools quickly and accelerate development.”