
Never wait on Pull Request ever again


Pullpo.io is a tool designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the code review process for software development teams. A tool built to analyze data from pull requests, Pullpo captures real-time qualitative insights from developers, allowing users to track important metrics to set goals for continuous improvement. With key features and offerings including: real-time insights and metrics, dedicated Slack channels for PRs, instant feedback and notifications, seamless integration with GitHub and Slack, Pullpo provides users with a comprehensive understanding of bottlenecks and inefficiencies in the development process.

How they use Cloudflare

Pullpo.io combined Cloudflare Pages and Workers to build and maintain their application. Pages is Pullpo’s preferred front-end deployment. Moreover, Pullpo uses Workers to host their landing pages, handle request logic, and distribute their applications globally. Workers KV helps Pullpo easily store and retrieve data globally and support high read volumes of real-time insights and metrics. To secure their internal applications, the Pullpo team also leverages Zero Trust to lock down multiple internal pages, ensuring secure and smooth access.

For future enhancements to the platform, the development team is currently exploring Workers for full-stack and Workers AI to develop an AI assistant to help users review code.

Why Cloudflare?

"Cloudflare's Developer Platform is outstanding, super easy and smooth. The developer experience is a great value for the price.”